Diddy turns 50. See pictures of his opulent lifestyle

Sean Love Combs — also known as Diddy, Puff Daddy and P. Diddy — has hit the big 5-0. We’re taking a look back at Combs’ most lavish moments on his way to 50.

Glimpsed drinking straight from the bottle with Biggie Smalls at the Second Source Awards in 1995.

In 1997, he opened his own restaurant, and had Donald Trump in attendance.

He was Jennifer Lopez’s date to the Grammys when she wore one of the most famous dresses of the decade.

He’s gotten the party started with an air horn.

He put himself into the game as he pushed a player back into the game while courtside at a Knicks game.

He has partied with a shirtless Justin Bieber, as one does.

He watched Kanye West’s fashion show alongside Jay-Z.

And he attended Beyoncé’s Soul Train-themed birthday party dressed like this.

He rocked a cane in style at LA hotspot Catch after knee surgery.

He dressed like a true boss for a brunch alongside his then-girlfriend, Cassie.

Diddy is the king of his own world, and we’re all just living in it.

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